ACEweb Release Notes
More Release Notes: 2023 | 2021
3.5.071/4.0.071, released October 5, 2022
- ACEweb will add the ID and Course Code to the pyoriginal field in the Pay table when canceling a registration and refunding to Escrow. This is to track the origin of the Escrow payment. Requires an updated cancelreg_page.prg, located in the update zips.
- ACEweb now adds a data-feeName attribute to fees on the Cart page, with the fee descripiton--for example: data-feeName="Senior Citizen Fee". This is to help track fees selected in Analytic scripts (e.g. if you are using Google eCommerce tags to track the Cart entries).
- Added support for the new Email Link to Pay Group Balance feature in Student Manager. Requires an updated accountstatus.awp and accountstatus_page.prg, located in the update zips.
- Added support for the new Admin and Staff Web Access Last Logged on fields on Password Maintenance. ACEweb will now log when a staff member logs into an Admin routine, such as the INI Editor, and the Staff Web Access page.
- Added support for the Deadbeat() function. This function can be used on templates to show if a user has a balance due. E.g. on the My Account (xwelcome.htm) and Profile (person.awp) pages.
- Added support to customize the page title if a course is not published. The defaut title is "Online Registration Not Allowed". Requires an updated awphrases.xml, located in the update zips.
- Express Registration: after a registrant enrolls someone and gets the Transaction Completed page. If they click the Back button to go back and enroll someone else instead of using a 'Log Off and Enroll Someone Else' link, ACEweb will now show a more friendly message when they submit another registration. E.g. "Page Title=Cheryl Scott has been logged off Page Text=You were logged on as Cheryl but since your registration request was submitted under a different name, the original account has been automatically logged off. You can now go back to resubmit the data for Jason Allen."
- Course Packaging users: ACEweb will now show the total of children courses for Package2 type courses. This new feature requires a ShowSchedule.ini file in the Templates folder (e.g. wconnect\ace) with the Package2 setting set to ON. A sample ShowSchedule.ini is located in the update zips.
- ACEweb now supports's Accept Hosted payment service. Contact your ACEware technician for more information.
- Fixed an issue with some upcoming courses functions that were not respecting the course Publish Date (on the ACEweb Info tab).
- Fixed an issue with the Cancel Registration routine that was not selecting the correct registration under certain conditions. Requires an updated cancelreg_page, located in the update zips.
- Fixed an issue with ACEweb displaying hidden Main fees under certain conditions when users added a course to their Cart.
- Fixed an issue with the VALIDATE option in the RequiredFields INI setting that was not forcing existing users to enter their Birthdate before they can complete the registration. Requires an updated person_page.prg, located in the update zips.
- Fized a "Too Many Columns" error when JoinCatalog was set to ON on the XShowSchedule.htm and are including Instructor and Location fields in the ScheduleFields INI setting.
- Fixed an issue with the fullfee being doubled if a course had 2 instructors listed and Instructor Name is included in the ScheduleFields INI setting.
- Fixed an issue with the Pay Invoices page that was doubling amounts when the invoice was added to the Cart. Requires an updated invoicestatus_page.prg, located in the update zips.
- Fixed an issue with the Xperson template, used by the Unscheduled Course and Marketing Campaigns features, that was generating errors under certain conditions. Requires an updated xperson_page.prg, located in the update zips.
- Express Registration: fixed an issue that was not saving Unlimited UDF values when submitting the registration.
- Express Registration: fixed an issue with showing fees if a course had a Member rate.
- Quick Pick Users: fixed an issue that allowed users to select courses set to Publish/No Register (on ACEweb Info tab) under certain conditions. Requires an updated quickpick_page.prg. Contact your ACEware technician for a copy.
- A Server-Side Template Injection vulnerability was fixed with the PrettyList parameter of the Show Upcoming Courses function.
- ACEweb now sets the Secure Attribute on its session cookie (the only cookie ACEweb creates).
- Sanitized various form variables on the Show Calendar page.
- Sanitized various form variables on the Profile page (person.awp). Requires an updated person_page.prg, located in the update zips.
- A Blind SQL injection vulnerability was identified with the javascript code used to show the ACEweb Bulletins. This can be fixed by encrypting the awson request. Contact your ACEware technician for more information.
3.5.070/4.0.070, released July 14, 2022
- Updated the Template Manager to use the lastest CodeMirror version. Requires updated CodeMirror and Template Manager files, located in the update zips.
- Updated the IsMember() function to support the current Membership routines.
- Added ACH payment support to the Touchnet payment service interface.
- Updated the Staff Web Access Name Lookup tool to support looking up active or inactive name records.
- Extended the Name Fee Category support to show available courses fees based on a begins with basis (e.g. if Name Fee Category begins with Senior Citizen, when they add a course to the Cart, it will show all fee otpions beginning with Senior Citizen).
- Updated the optional Document Upload module to support uploading documents for Proxy registrations.
- Added the Double-Tier Membership feature (originally only available with the QuickPick feature) to the regular Cart routine.
- New features for the Cancel Registration feature including refunding to Escrow. Requires updated cancelreg templates, located in the update zips.
- Added support for the AddLabel() function to show the Student Manager UDF labels on ACEweb pages, e.g. person.awp.
- Added the rgproxyid field to RegStatusFields and TranscriptFields INI field lists for use in custom expressions (e.g. hide the grade on proxy registrations).
- New QuickPick Feature: Added a link displayed to logged on users to view who else is a member. Members must opt in to be included in the list. Requires the link functionality to be added to quickpick.awp template and an updated quickpick_page.prg.
- Fixed some XSS vulnerabilities with the User Log On and Calendar routines.
- Fixed an issue with the CyberSource payment service interface that was intermittently sending the wrong Country code.
- Calls to Xperson.awp were generating errors at some customer sites. Requires an updated xperson_page.prg, located in the updated zips.
- Fixed an internal Variable 'PCNOESCROWLIST is not found' error only found in daily .txt logs (not seen by user).
- Fixed an issue that was blanking the course Updated by field and editing other course and name record information (course date updated, name updated, name updated by, and name update time) when online registration records are recorded.
- Fixed an issue with the Memberships() function that was failing to display valid memberships under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue with the Quick Search feature that would cause the search to fail with long serarch terms (e.g. searching for processing credit cards in student manager).
- Fixed a Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword." error with the Calendar optional module that was generated when searching by building then switching months.
- Fixed an issue with the proxyregmulti.awp template that was not enabling the Add Selected Names to Cart under certain conditions. Requires updated proxyregmulti templates located in the update zips.
- Fixed some issues with QuickPick that would allow a user to enroll in a class without the required membership in certain circumstances.
- Fixed an issue when partially paying with Escrow and the remaining credit card payment is declined that was assiging a receipt number to the billing record created.
- Fixed an issue with the NMCODE2 field not being properly encrypted if you have that option enabled in Name Preferences.
3.5.068/4.0.068, released March 8, 2022
- Added new options for custom Course Information table listing.
- Added oAuth Authentication support for the office365 SMTP server. This feature requires updated Mailkit files AND registering the app. Contact your ACEware technician for more information.
- Updated the AsyncLink INI setting to limit the courses listed.
- The Limit Member Discounts optional module has been updated to support the RGCLASMAX field (for more information see the Student Manager 8.0.109 forum entry).
- NEW: AdmLogonAttrib INI setting to add attributes to the Administration Log On password field (e.g. autocomplete="off").
- Updated the StateList.dbf table to include new countries and an International option for the State list.
- Added support for the &StdHead query parameter that can be used to suppress the head tag contents from Standard.htm (e.g. XPage.awp?Page=Shoupcls.htm&StdHead=OFF will suppress the Standard.htm head tag contents when rendering the shoupcls.htm page).
- Added oAuth support to the AdminMailServer INI setting for emailing ACEweb error messages.
- Added support to payment service for tracking courses included in transaction.
- Fixed an issue with the ShowSchedule listing that was not including Mandatory fees in the FullFee amount if you were including Instructor information in the ScheduleFields INI setting.
- Fixed an issue with the XPages INI setting that was not allowing files in sub-folders (e.g. custom/filename.htm).
- Fixed an issue when running the AW Abandoned Cart Viewer from Student Manager that was causing the report to fail to load.
- Updated the GetUUDF() function to trim leading spaces from values.
- Fixed a security vulnerability in the Attachments page. Requires updated attachments.awp and attachments_page.prg, located in the update zips.
- Fixed a security vulnerability in the Person page. Requires an updated person_page.prg file, located in the update zips.
- Fixed a security vulnerability in the ShowSchedule routine.
- Fixed a bug with paying invoices when the VoidPendingPmts INI setting was set to 3 that wasn't deleting the payment until it heard back from the payment service.
3.5.067/4.0.067, released January 26, 2022
- AWStorm supports printing certificates, receipts, and transcripts for others you have enrolled (proxy registrations). An updated ShowTranStatus.htm is available for this feature.
- Added support for the Active box on Password Maintenance. Inactive users will not be able to log into Staff Web Access or ACEweb Admin routines.
- Added support for the Fee Active field on Course Fees.
- If the ShowContacts INI setting is set to ON, you can include the Detail value in the 'If you have questions...' text on registration confirmations.
- Added the NOERRDETAIL: option for the AdminEmail setting to suppress error details on screen if a user gets an error during the enrollment process.
- Added support for the ShowTF() function to show logical values as Yes/No, True/False, or On/Off.
- Added a parameter to the GetUUDF() function to support character pading of the returned value.
- Added the corefdoc and coshortnm to the tCourse cursor for use on the XCourseStatus.htm template.
- New Optional Module: Limit Member Discounts allows you to set how many times a student can receive the Member rate on registrations. E.g. set it to 3 and the student can receive the Member rate for 3 registrations only. Afterward, they must pay full price.
- Fixed an issue with the Memberships function on the confirmation email template returning None under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue with the InvoiceStatus page including voided invoices in the list.
- Fixed an issue with the Bulletin Editor showing all catalog records instead of just the ACEweb Bulletin records. Requires an updated BulletinEditor.htm template.
- Fixed an issue that was generating a "Type Mismatch" error when saving changes to a Name record if you have nmcode2 enabled on person.awp and are using encryption (set on Name Preferences).
- Fixed an issue with the PayFlowLink payment interface that generated a 'LCALTURL is not found' error, for those using the CCTYPE: flag in the PCCPATH INI setting.
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