Student Manager Release Notes for 2023
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8.0.129, released December 4, 2023
- Added a new Registration Preference to set the Get Web Certificate value for new registrations.
- SQL Users: fixed an SQL arithmetic overflow error in the Credentials module.
- Fixed an issue where the Username on records might be set to LOSTSOUL under certain conditions.
- Fixed an 'Unclosed quotation mark' error with the ADDCODE/QUIKCODE functions.
- Fixed a 'Variable Name is not found' error when trying to add a new name to a Name group.
- Fixed a 'Variable FAIID is not found' error when printing receipts if using the GETFINAID function on the receipt report.
- Fixed an issue with the Registration Import Wizard that was not creating the importregdups.log file when it didn't import registrations.
- Fixed an issue with the Registration Import Wizard that was not properly importing registrations if you were including the Name ID in your import file.
8.0.128, released November 6, 2023
- Updated the Course Quick Reports > Send SMS to Class feature to run a report to show who will be texted and who will not.
- When uncancelling a previously cancelled registration, Student Manager will now reset the hours, credits, and CEUs to course defaults.
- A new course preference called Use N (Noon) and M (Midnight) designations to clarify 12 o'clock has been added to determine if course time uses AM/PM or N/M when setting hours to 12.
- VFP users only: when adding a course record and entering a course code that has been entered on a previously deleted course record, you will be asked to recover the deleted course or re-enter the course code.
- Fixed an error when adding a membership using with the number of days for the expiration (instead of using the specific date preference.
- Fixed an issue when combining Name records where both were registered and paid for the same class. In these cases, the system will now set the registration number to 2 so the registration is not overpaid.
- Fixed an issue with editing information in the Names > Courses Taken list and the Balance Due/Credit indicator would not refresh properly.
- Fixed an issue with the #Payments column in the Names > Courses Taken list showing the incorrect number of payments on archived registrations.
- Fixed a "PCTABLE" not found error when running the Mass Combine Names routine.
- Fixed an issue that would allows users with no email rights to send course reminders.
- Fixed an issues with some course UDFs not saving the correct value if you were using drop downs for the field.
- Fixed an issue that was generating a bogus "End time is before your begin time" message if you set the minutes before the hours on a course record.
- Fixed an "Unknown member CBOPYCONT" error when trying to select or add a value for the Pay Additional ID field when validation is enabled (on Pay Preferences).
- Fixed a "Variable CINTRO is not found" error from course Quick Reports > Send Mass Merge Email to Class, if you were choosing to exclude names flagged as do not email? and all registrants were excluded.
- SQL Users: fixed a conversion failed error when changing the course code on a course record.
- SQL Users: fixed a conversion failed error when transferring payments from the Payment screen with the Transfer Payment button.
- SQL Users: fixed a syntax error when selecting a Sponsoring firm on the course record.
- SQL Users: fixed a "Field INFO does not accept null values" error when running the Orphan Registrations & Payments clean up tool.
- SQL Users: fixed a truncate error when moving a report.
8.0.127, released October 5, 2023
- Added the ability to set an expiration date for Escrow Payments on Pay Preferences. The Escrow Expire Date is added to the Payment and can be individually edited.
- The new Room Use Created By, Add Date, Updated By, Last Updated fields now show on the Room Use screen.
- The new Room Use Created By, Add Date, Updated By, Last Updated fields have been added to Room Use reports.
- The Catch All tool now audits the Group ID fields on Register, Register Fees, and Pay records.
- Fixed an issue with modifying reports locking up the report tables if you generated an error when saving the report change.
- Fixed an issue with the Course import wizard that was allowing unsupported location characters to be imported (e.g. (), [] ).
- Fixed a "CSROMNI must be created with SELECT…INTO TABLE" error when accessing Pocket Ledger from the Course screen.
- Fixed an "OLE IDispatch exception code from Twilio" error when attempting to send SMS text messages. This requires updated Twilio DLLs. Contact your ACEware technician for updated files.
- Fixed an error with the Spellcheck feature when it finds mispelled words.
- Fixed an issue with Attendance records not updating when rolling dates.
- Fixed a variable 'RGCRSE' is not found when clicking Print Receipt and Close button on Pay screen.
- Fixed a "Field INFO does not accept null values" error when trying to add a person to a membership.
- Fixed an issue with the course Quick Report's Send SMS to Class feature that was not sending out the text messages.
- Fixed an "Unknown member TXTPYNAME" when applying Financial Aid.
- Fixed a "Variable TESTID is not found" error when double-clicking the Show Pay column in the course Student List.
- Fixed an issue with the course Quick Report's Send Quick Email to Class feature when choosing an email template then customizing the email text. The customized text was not sent to the student.
- Fixed an issue with the FindCred() function generating an error.
- SQL Users: fixed an issue with the Course Age Requirement feature letting you into the course if you did not have a date entered into your Name record.
- SQL Users: fixed an issue that generated syntax errors if you had apostrophes in the Registration Note field when combining Names if the people were enrolled in the same class.
8.0.126, released September 5, 2023
- You can now set a minimum Age on the Course screen. Students must meet the minimum to enroll in the course. Note, this will require students to have a birthdate entered on their Name record.
- You can now filter out unpaid/overpaid courses when archiving.
- New Faculty Preferences: you can now turn off phone formatting on Instructor Fax and Page fields, and relabel them for other purposes.
- You can now create Unlimited UDFs for Instructors.
- Room Use records now log who created, updated, date created and date of last update.
- Student Manager logging routines have been revamped to be more efficient and provide more information.
- Fixed an SQL error with the Findcred() function when clicking the Close button without selecting any options.
- Fixed an issue with the Findcred() function that would send duplicate emails when choosing the Email Separately option.
- Fixed an "Operator/Operand type mismatch" error when printing a payment plan.
- Fixed a "Variable rgcrse is not found" error that would be generated under certain conditions when stamping CRM records after emailing registration confirmations.
- Fixed an "Operator/Operand type mismatch" error when mass grouping registrations by firm with existing invoices.
- Fixed an issue with editing Instructor records that would allow you to assign the same ID # to multiple Instructor records.
- Fixed a 'Variable 'ruoid' is not found' error that would be generated when printing a receipt under certain conditions.
8.0.125, released August 7, 2023
- SMS templates now support the ## delimiters.
- You can now email staff when cancelling a course through the Cancel Course Wizard. The routine uses the new CRSECANCEL email template.
- A new Course preference will require the membership to be paid before registrants can enroll in courses that have membership requisites.
- You can now email instructors when a course falls below the minimum enrollment. The new routine uses the MINNOT2TCH email template.
- Hybrid courses will show the Physical and Virtual Max on the Hybrid tab. Virtual Max is a calculation based on Course Max - Physical Max.
- Attendance Tracking Users: you can now track attendance for workshops.
- Fixed some grouping registrations errors.
- Fixed an "SQL: Column 'A' is not found" when importing an Ed2Go file.
- Fixed a "Variable 'CTHISDATE' is not found" error when filling in defaults on attendance records.
- Fixed an issue with seeing blank records when clicking the Show Group button if registrations were grouped.
- Fixeds some printer issues with the F11 Attendance Tracker report.
- SQL Users: fixed an issue with the course Publish Date not clearing if you had a formula set in the Publish Date preference in Course Preferences.
8.0.124, released July 10, 2023
- You can now reorder columns in many search screens, such as Course, Names, Registrations, and Faculty.
- You can now reinvigorate invoices with the Mass Group feature .
- There is a new Add Registration button on the Faculty record. Note, this will create a Name record for the faculty member, register them in the course, and associate the Name record with the Faculty record.
- You can now assign one user's favorite reports to another user from their Student Manager User record.
- Fixed a "File 'csrunaltered.dbf' does not exist." error when emailing transcripts.
- Fixed an issue where the labels were duplicating on the Payment screen.
- Fixed an issue with Room Use displaying the incorrect end time on the last session.
- Fixed an issue with the GRABREG() function returning an "Alias name is already in use" error.
- Fixed an issue with email templates incorrectly displaying warning messages in certain circumstances.
- Fixed an "Invalid column name 'nmfirm'" error when viewing roster from a registration record and choosing to only show students from the firm.
- Fixed an issue with the Budget Builder screen with values over 6 digits shows as asterisks.
- Fixed an "Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword." error when trying to group existing registrations.
- Fixed an issue where Student Manager access levels were not being respected in certain areas.
- Fixed an issue with the Escrow payment counter incorrectly reporting the number of payments in Escrow.
8.0.123, released June 5, 2023
- You can now run reports from the Search Reports by Keyword lists.
- You can now schedule when courses are included in the Email Course Reminders check.
- Student Manager will now write the course code to the CRM records when email registrants (e.g. from Course Quick Reports) and show any course-specific CRM records on the course Comments tab.
- When cancelling a Membership registration, the Membership Expire date will be set to the day before on the person's Name record (Demographics tab). This is to keep users from enrolling in courses online for the rest of the day after their membership was cancelled.
- There is a new Publish Date Formula in Course Preference where you can enter a formula to calculate the Publish Date. For example, course.cobegdate-90 will set it to 90 days before the course begins.
- When adding a Billing type payment record to a group of registrations with a Billing Record registration, the system will no longer show the Distribute prompt.
- The HTML Editor's create link field has been lengthened to accomodate extra long URLs.
- The Certificate Wizard now allows you to find people who have taken courses in different groups. For example, 10 hours in 'bucket' X and 5 hours in 'bucket' Y.
- Numeric course UDF fields will show the code instead of the description now.
- Fixed an issue with the system adding the proxy person's email address multiple times in the BCC field when emailing receipts, under certain conditions.
- Fixed an issue with the Import Wizard routines that would always import the 1st sheet in the spreadsheet, instead of importing the one you chose to import.
- Fixed an issue with inactive email templates showing in the list when sending a quick email to class.
- Fixed an issue with the Combine Names routine that was not copying over Unlimited UDFs when combining regisrations.
- Fixed an issue with generating sessions that was not correctly calculating hours under certain conditions.
- Fixed an "Alias 'CSRFINAL' is not found." error when mass registering and selecting a Bill To option.
- Fixed an issue with course Department codes not letting you enter spaces.
- Fixed an issue when sending a quick email to class using an email template that referenced the registrants' name wasn't adding the correct name to the various emails.
- Fixed an "Unrecognized command verb" issue when sending a quick email to class using an email template that only had text in the email Body.
- Fixed an issue when sending a quick email to class using an HTML formatted email template that was not including the HTML formatted signature.
- Course Package Users: fixed a "THISFORM can only be used within a method." error when cancelling the package course and choosing to cancel the child courses too.
- SQL Users: fixed an "Alias 'WKSHPMST' is not found" error when using the QUIKWORK() function on a transcript report.
- SQL Users: fixed an "Invalid column name 'thisuser'" error when running the User Activity ("Touches") report in the Reports > Demographics > Names w/codes area.
8.0.122, released May 2, 2023
- Updated the Combine Names routine to combine registrations if the individuals were registered in the same course under both names. It will copy over any missing registration/registration UDFs into the registration it keeps.
- You can now send an email to all logged on users from the Show Users list, by clicking on an email in the list.
- When running course Quick Reports that allow you to select a subset of registrants, e.g. Certificates, you can now search for individuals in the list.
- Added the ability to add multiple staff reminders to a course.
- Attendance Tracking Users: you can now show Attendance records for a specific person from Record Attendance on the course record.
- Gift Card Module Users: the Gift Card recipient will now show on the payment if the Gift Card was purchased for a specific person. Fixed an issue with the F2 Quick Counts report that was incorrectly calculating values in the Paying column.
- Fixed an issue with emailing registration receipts putting ampersands (&) in the Subject line if you were not using the option to add course code or title to the Subject line (feature added in Student Manager 8.0.120).
- Fixed an issue with the Include my email signature (whenever I email) preference, set on Edit > My User Profile, that was not adding line breaks between the email footer and the signature.
- Fixed an issue with emailing transcripts separately that was looking for a non-existing table.
- Fixed a "LOFORM is not an object" error that was generated if you used the X to close the Name Additional UDFs window.
- Fixed a "Function argument value, type, or count is invalid" error generated when adding Fee Adjustments to a registration if you had the Use Additional Fee Quantity preference disabled.
- Fixed a "File 'locid.prg' does not exist" error generated if you had a course filter set and clicked the Yellow Binoculars icon to open the course screen.
8.0.121, released April 3, 2023
- Send instructors a follow up email after a course ends from Tools > Email Instructor Follow Ups. The routine will use the new INSTFOLLOW email template by default.
- Attendance Tracking Module Users: attendance records will not be automatically created when a person is registered in a course if the Track Attendance? box is checked.
- Inactive Name records will no longer show in the Module > Registrations > Add/Edit Registrations or course record > Add/Edit Reggies button routines.
- You can now import Workshop data when using the Import Wizard tool from Speed Registration Entry.
- There is a new email template called INSTREMIND for use with the Tools > Email Instructor Reminders. This template will be automatically selected when running the routine.
- If there is a query created, the Search Queries for Keyword tool will now show the Query Name.
- You can now select/link to Locations in your database on Workshop records.
- When combining Name records, if they are enrolled in the same course under both Names, the system will now delete the duplicate Registration record, and move any payments to the 'good' registration record.
- There is a new Document Clean Up tool to identify and remove missing document links from Course reference and email attachments, Name Documents, and missing graphic images from Catalog records.
- Fixed an "Invalid Input" message in Search routines that was generated if you cleared out your search term then tried to click the X to close the search window.
- The registration fee amount field (rgcrsefee) was not available in the Import Wizard used from Speed Registration Entry.
- Fixed a "File 'csrtesting.dbf' does not exist" error when using the FINDCRED() function on a report.
- Fixed a "Property Value is not found" error on the Select Interest Codes screen and clicking the Sort By Description button.
- SQL Users: fixed a "[SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'empasswd'" error when creating new Student Manager User records.
8.0.120, released March 13, 2023
- Add an Assign Invoice Num button to the Payment record to assign an invoice number to the Billing type payment.
- Added a Print/Email Invoice button to the Payment record to run the selected Invoice report (Module > Invoices > Run Invoices list) then ask if you would like to email the invoice (PDF) to the email listed on the payment record.
- Added an Assign Invoice # for Payment Plans preference (Edit > Preferences > Pay tab) to assign invoice numbers to the payments when the Payment Plan is created.
- Increased the Course Title field on Course records to 125 characters.
- Updated the available font list for the HTML Generator.
- You can now include course code and title in the Email Subject of Registration Confirmations.
- The HTML Generator is now available when sending quick emails to a course.
- Added the ability to email unpaid invoices (PDF) to the email listed on the billing type payment record, when selecting an Module > Invoices > Outstanding Invoices option.
- Added the option to keep the Email Follow-Up to Students box checked when sending follow-up emails, in case staff want to send more than 1 follow-up email. Fixed a "Variable COLDCRSE is not found error" when cloning a course and choosing to clone the Budget records.
- Fixed a "file aregister.dbf does not exist" error when running the Income & Enrollment Summary report in the Archive.
- Fixed an error when clicking the attachments button on the email form then clicking cancel to abandon selecting an attachment.
- Fixed an issue with the system not returning any invoices when running outstanding outstanding invoices, by date range.
- Fixed an "Operator/operand type mismatch" error that some customers received when editing the course's Student List values.
- SQL Users: fixed an "[SQL Server]Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string" error when editing a room use record.
- SQL Users: fixed a "[SQL Server]Cannot insert the value NULL into column feinvno" error when updating fees on a course Budget.
- SQL Users: fixed a "[SQL Server]Conversion failed when converting date and/or time from character string" error when updating the address on a firm record.
8.0.119, released February 7, 2023
- Update Course Status Page links on the course ACEweb Info tab to identify which one is for staff (Internal Test) and which can be copied for students.
- Updated Locations to disallow unsupported characters in the Location name.
- Added Emergency Email Templates, used when sending emergency emails and building specific emergency emails. These new templates can be modified to add your logo, an email signature, etc.
- Updated the course Save routines to audit enrolled/waitlisted counts when the course record is sav
- Added a tool to delete unused queries.
- Added the AddGift() function to use with the new Gift Card module.
- Fixed an issue with the HMTL Editor on Catalog records that was not saving subsequent changes after initially building the HTML formatted description.
- Fixed a 'Command contains unrecognized phrase/keyword' error when emailing a receipt if the selected email template had the same code as a catalog record.
- Fixed an issue with the Short Course Title on the course Additional Info (UDFs) tab that would let you enter more than 30 characters.
- Fixed a 'Field name not found' error in the Reports > Demographics > Credential report area when changing the Sort Order on the Report Options screen.
- SQL Users: fixed an issue with the Mass Clone tool that was not actually cloning the course records.
8.0.118, released January 9, 2023
- Added a Gift Card optional module that lets you purchase Gift Cards and use them to pay for registrations. See the ACEware Pricing page for more inforamtion on cost of this new module.
- Added the Staff dropdown to Email Instructor Rosters and Name Quick Email, to send a copy to selected staff members.
- Updated record Search screens to keep the cursor in the search field if you backspace too many times to clear a search value.
- Updated the Course Import Wizard to prevent duplicate Fee, Grouping, UDF, Room Use, and Instructor link records if the import fails the first time and you try again.
- Updated the Email Course Reminders, Email Follow-Ups, and Report Options screens to close the routines when clicking the X.
- Added fields to the Reports > Registrations > Transcripts report area to support including fees on transcripts.
- Added the ability to reset bad location ID values on course records to The Catch All tool. The tool will reset the location ID to the default (blank) one if it finds courses with a bad location ID.
- Fixed an 'Alias CSRFINAL is not found' error when using the Mass Register tool.
- SQL Users: fixed a 'Column course.coactive is invalid' error when selecting Course on the Tools > Data Cleanup > Location, Course Name, Fees tool.
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